To tell my story of my struggles with weight gain, weight loss, emotions of how I feel people saw me.... No I am going to start my story were I finally decided I wanted a change in my life. As the year was closing in I was going to be 40, I didn't want to travel, a diamond braclet, no I wanted weight loss surgery. About 7 months before I was to turn 40 I decided to go to a Weightloss seminar. So one very cold snowy night in January 2014 I did exactly that. I listened to the different options from liquid diets to surgery. I knew going in I wanted to have the bariatric sleeve surgery. For me it seemed to be the best plan, I leave waiting for a call from the doctors office to see what the next step was. A couple days later I get a call telling me I have to wait a year! What no... I didn't see that in my insurance book. So I talk with the woman at the doctors office we decide I should come in and get started.
So the day comes to see the doctor and I am excited, nervous and scared. First off you get weighed on the scale and let's face it none of us like to be there (at least I haven't since the 8th grade). So my weight pops up and I just want to cry how did I get here? So we go into the nice little doctors room and they nice lady goes over my medical history... I am still 39 at this point and I have high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea I have had several surgeries already. (This is why I am here to make it better). Doctor comes in says I think you are a great candidate see you in 3 months. Ugh the waiting begins.
So three months I go back and again the first thing you do is get on the dreaded scale and I gained a pound ugh really... Ok so now it is see the Nutrionist blah blah same thing you always here change this do this and you leave thinking ok I did it once I will do it again maybe I won't need surgery. Then you leave and life goes back to the same as the last 39 years. And three months already rolls back around and again the scale but this time it has gone down a few pounds oh thank goodness (I am not a total looser). Doctor comes in and says well now I need to see you every month (insurance change of course) ok. So each month it is this roller coaster of down a few pounds up a few pounds until December 2014 and all requirements have been checked off and doctor says time to get you scheduled. Really a year has gone by, how? The date is February 10, 2015... And this is how my journey begins.
(Disclaimer I am not a writer you will see typos, grammar issues but this is for me you can read or not read that is up to you!)
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